Islamic Misguidances
- Homosexuaility & Sodomy
Among the Muslims, there has started a practice of watering down the Islamic stance of Homosexuality & Sodomy. This has undoubtedly been described as a major sin, based on countless ayat in the Quran...
- Are Ahluh Kitab Kuffar?
There is confusion amongst some Muslims and non-Muslims as to who are Ahlul Kitab. Are they considered Kuffar (disbelievers) or are they considered believers...
- Mawlid is a Bidah
Many Muslim celebrate or engage in Mawlid an-nabi, the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This is an innovation in Islam...
- The Prophet ﷺ can issue Haram & Halal
There is a misconception among the Ummah that the Prophet ﷺ cannot issue Haram/Halal rulings. Many claim that if it's not directly stated by Allah in the Quran...
- Shaytan is not an Angel
There is a misconception among some in the Ummah that Shaytan (Iblis) was a "Fallen Angel". This is a fallacy that comes from...
- There is no Good Bidah
Many Muslim claim there is Bidah Hasanat or Good Innovations in Islam. They engage in activities against what Allah has ordained in the Quran...
- All the past Prophets were Muslim
There is unfortunately a misconception among many non-muslims and muslims that Islam began with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This is simply untrue...
- Allah does not rest
There is a misconception among some Muslims that Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. This is a fallacy that...